16 Mar Curl Aberdeen season ends early
16th March 2020
Coronavirus Announcement
Here at Curl Aberdeen, the health and safety of our members, guests and staff is our highest priority. We, as a community, must do our part in mitigating risk to others in and around our Club. The Management Committee along with myself have decided to close the Club as of this morning, Monday 16th March 2020, for the remainder of the curling season.
This decision was made by consensus with many factors taken into consideration. Curl Aberdeen has a wide-ranging membership demographic, from all walks of life, and staff that allow us to operate daily. We also provide a venue for an even wider demographic of guests for events and room hires. Given the breadth of uncontrollable factors, and rapidly evolving situation, we believe it is our responsibility and best for all involved if we take this step to protect everyone, as much as possible.
We have also taken the decision to postpone the Club AGM on, 30th April 2020. A new date will be sent out once we have a date confirmed.
Updates will be sent out in the next few weeks with our plan going forward. These communications will include details about the current unplayed games, the new season, Club AGM and other details.
In the meantime, stay healthy, stay active, and enjoy time with family.
Best regards,
Tom Brewster
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